Sahih Fiqh Us Sunnah+Kashful Akinnah, Arabic 5 Vol. Fariduddin Attar's Tadhkaratul Aulia or Memoirs of Saintsġ00 (40+60) Salat & Salam Pocket size £1.75 Doctrine of the Sufis: Kitab Ta'arruf Li-Madhhab ahl al-Tasawwuf 18. Companions of the Souls Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hassan Chishty 17. Rabi'a Basri The Mystic & Her fellow Saints in Islam By Margaret 16. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence By Professor Ahmad Hasan 15. Islamic Tasawwuf: Shariah & Tariqah according to Thanvi By 14. Gulistan of Sa'di Shirazi (The Rose Garden) By Sa'di Shirazi 13. Tuha'fut-Al-Falasifah: Incoherence of Philosophers, Imam Ghazali 12. Mashaikh Of Chisht: The Spiritual Tree By M Zakariyya Kandhalwi 11. Lessons On The Mathnawi of Moulana Rumi By Hakeem M Akhtar 10. Is The Qur'an God's Word By Dr.Zakir Naik 9. Early Development of Islamic Jurisprudence: Prof Ahmad Hasan 8. History of the Caliphs By Jalaluddin A's Suyuti 7.

Life and Work Of The Prophet Of Islam By Muhammad Hamidullah 6. An Approach to the Qur'anic Sciences Ulum Al-Quran: Taqi Usmani 5. Al-Farooq: Life of Omar The Great By Prof Shibli Numani 4. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi's Stories Of Saints Qisasul Akbir 3. Answer to Modernism By Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi 2. He also established the journal Al-Furqan, now under the editorship of his son Maulana Khalilur Rahman Sajjad Nu'mani.īestsellers 1. He is the author of the well-known Ma'ariful Hadith: Meaning&Message of the Traditions (a very lucid and comprehensive 4-Volume introduction to the Hadith for the general reader). He was a very active teacher and lecturer and has written many books, booklets, and magazine articles. On the insistence of its, authorities, he taught hadîth at Nadwa and remained a member of the administration for a very long period. He Settled in Lucknow after he had begun his Dîni work in Bareilly. A contemporary of Shaikh Sayid Abul Hasan Nadwi and had very close links with Nadwa. The late Maulana Muhammad Manzoor No'mani is a very well-known Hadith Scholar in the Indian Sub-Continent. This book is containing among anecdotes and short talks in Urdu of the revivalist of the great work of Tabligh, collected by the great scholar of his time ' Maulana Manzur Nu'mani'.

Malfoozat Moulana Ilyas, URDU, By Manzur No'mani